Les apprentis collectionneurs – édition 2024
Photo : Direction de la communication / Manuel Vitali
Initiated in 2017 by the Nouveau Musée National de Monaco, “Les apprentis collectionneurs” is an educational program supported by SOGEDA (Société pour la Gestion des Droits d’Auteur) that aims to familiarize teenagers with contemporary art, as well as with one of a museum’s missions: collecting.
Now in its eighth year, the project involves Première and Terminale art students from the Institution François d’Assise-Nicolas Barré. Accompanied by their teacher Laurent Papillon and Benjamin Laugier, head of publics at NMNM, the students followed a series of meetings, exchanges, visits and workshops throughout the year.
Nineteen students traveled to Paris from April 5 to 7, thanks to a sponsorship from Frédéric Jousset, president and founder of Art Explora and 2024 sponsor of the program. There, they researched and selected one or more works by the same artist, with an acquisition budget of €20,000, as part of the Art Paris fair.
On Monday April 15, the students presented and argued their choices before a jury comprising Frédéric Jousset ; Francesco Manacorda, Director of the Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Turin; Philippe Vergne, Director of the Serralves Foundation, Porto, and member of the NNMN Acquisitions Committee; Célia Bernasconi, Chief Curator of the NMNM and Björn Dahlström, Director of the NMNM.
This year, a group of works from Katia Kameli ‘s installation Le Cantique des oiseaux, comprising Le Paon, 2022 (ceramic sound sculpture), Le Paon, 2022 (watercolour on paper, terracotta frame), Le cantique des oiseaux, 2022 (video) and Costume du Cantique des oiseaux, 2022 (cotton), joins the NMNM collection.
These four works were presented by Luna Larit Perrier, a student in Première, and acquired from gallery 110 Véronique Rieffel.
The practice of French-Algerian artist and filmmaker Katia Kameli is based on a research approach: the historical and cultural event inspires multiple forms of her plastic and poetic imagination.
Le Cantique des oiseaux (The Canticle of Birds) is a sculptural and musical installation. It is a free interpretation of the tale by the Persian poet Farîd od-dîn’ Attar, emblematic of Sufism based on universal wisdom. This poetic work narrates a mystical epic, a quest for truth and identity carried by thirty birds personifying different human traits. This noisy, disordered and fearful humanity must embark on a journey towards itself and towards others, to find the courage, strength and cohesion to satisfy its need for peace and harmony.
A special mention went to Hugo Tarsitano Renzetti, a final-year student, for the quality of his presentation.
Previous editions of the program have acquired works by Andreas Angelidakis, Mark Dion, Rita Ferreira, Carsten Höller, Pierre Joseph, Anton Kannemeyer, David Medalla, Mika Rottenberg and Xavier Theunis.
This programme receives the support of SOGEDA, Monaco since 2018
Selection venue: Art Paris
Jury members: Frédéric Jousset, president and founder of Art Explora and 2024 sponsor of the program; Francesco Manacorda, director of the Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Turin; Philippe Vergne, director of the Serralves Foundation, Porto, and member of the NNMN Acquisitions Committee; Célia Bernasconi, chief curator of the NMNM and Björn Dahlström, director of the NMNM.
Grant: 20,000 €
With the support of SOGEDA, Monaco

Katia Kameli
Le Cantique des oiseaux, 2022
Vidéo HD, 11min 49s
Courtesy de l’artiste et de la galerie 110 Véronique Rieffel
© Katia Kameli / Adagp, Paris, 2024

Katia Kameli
Le Cantique des oiseaux, Le Paon, 2022
Sculpture sonore en céramique
33 x 45 x 16 cm
Courtesy de l’artiste et de la galerie 110 Véronique Rieffel
Photo : La Criée centre d’art contemporain, Rennes ©Marc Domage
© Katia Kameli / Adagp, Paris, 2024

Katia Kameli
Le Cantique des oiseaux, Le Paon, 2022
Aquarelle sur papier, cadre en terre cuite
3 x l. 37 x h. 47 cm
Courtesy de l’artiste et de la galerie 110 Véronique Rieffel
Photo : La Criée centre d’art contemporain, Rennes ©Marc Domage
© Katia Kameli / Adagp, Paris, 2024
Selection venue: artgenève
Members of the jury : H.R.H. The Princess of Hanover, President of the Acquisitions Committee and of the Board of Directors of the NMNM; Safia El Malqui, collector and 2023 sponsor of the program; Émilie Girard, Scientific Director and Director of Collections of the MUCEM; Éric Mangion, Artistic Director of the Villa Arson, Nice; Célia Bernasconi, Chief Curator of the NMNM; and Björn Dahlström, Director of the NMNM
Grant : 20 000 €
With the support of SOGEDA, Monaco

David Medalla, Masks (details), 2017
Installation of 13 masks, magazine pages cut out
Variable dimensions
Courtesy Galleria Enrico Astuni, Bologna

David Medalla, Masks (details), 2017
Installation of 13 masks, magazine pages cut out
Variable dimensions
Courtesy Galleria Enrico Astuni, Bologna

David Medalla, Masks (details), 2017
Installation of 13 masks, magazine pages cut out
Variable dimensions
Courtesy Galleria Enrico Astuni, Bologna
Selection venue: Art Paris website
Members of the jury : Thierry Leviez, director of Pavillon Bosio – École Supérieure d’Arts Plastiques de la Ville de Monaco ; Lia Riva, collector and patron of the NMNM ; Hélène Vassal, curator of Heritage – assistant to the Director of Studies of the Curators’ Department, in charge of continuing education (Institut national de patrimoine) and member of the scientific committee of the NMNM ; Björn Dahlström, director of the NMNM, and Célia Bernasconi, chief curator of the NMNM.
Grant : 20 000 €
With the support of SOGEDA, Monaco

Anton Kannemeyer
Compelling Backstory, 2020
Acrylic paint on canvas
200cm x 143 cm
Courtesy de l’artiste et de Huberty & Breyne Gallery
Selection venue: digital platform of ARCOmadrid
Members du jury : Françoise Gamerdinger, Director of Cultural Affairs, Sylvain Lizon, Director of Villa Arson, Nice, Delphine Reiss Pastor, Collector and member of the NMNM Cercle des mécènes , Björn Dahlström, Director of the NMNM and Célia Bernasconi, Chief Curator of the NMNM.
Grant: 20 000 €
With the support of SOGEDA, Monaco

Rita Ferreira
Mal-que-mer, 2020
Installation (9 huiles sur papier, câbles en acier, pinces et structure en fer)
339 x 244 x 864 cm
Courtesy de l’artiste et de la Galerie 3+1 Arte Contemporânea, Lisbonne
Photo : Bruno Lopes
Selection venue : artmonte-carlo online catalogue
Members of the jury : Marie-Claude Beaud, Director of the NMNM, Fabienne Grasser-Fulchéri, Director of Espace de l’Art Concret in Mouans-Sartoux and Björn Dahlström, art historian and museum director.
Grant: 10 000 €
With the support of SOGEDA, Monaco

Mark Dion
MMXII Camphor Cinnamomum Camphora Cape Town, 2012
Collection-rarities and Natural curiosities
Bois, marqueterie, écorce, texte et plastique sur papier et feuille
18 x 5 x 15 cm
Pièce unique
Collection NMNM, n° 2020.8.1
Acquisition réalisée dans le cadre du projet « Les apprentis collectionneurs » avec le soutien de la SOGEDA
Selection venue : artmonte-carlo
Members of the jury : Marie-Claude Beaud, Director of the NMNM, Isabelle Bonnal, Director of the Éducation Nationale de la Jeunesse et des Sports – represented by Cécile Mouly, in charge of extracurricular activities at DENJS -, Françoise Gamerdinger, Adjunct Director of Cultural Affairs and General Secretary of the SOGEDA , Daniel Soutif, art critic, and Oriol Vilanova, artist in residency at the NMNM.
Grant : 10 000 €
With the support of SOGEDA, Monaco

Mika Rottenberg
T11, 2007
Graphite et crayon de couleur sur papier
25,4 x 28 cm, 32 x 33,5 cm encadrée
Collection NMNM, n° 2019.15.1
Acquisition réalisée dans le cadre du projet « Les apprentis collectionneurs » avec le soutien de la SOGEDA

Mika Rottenberg
T13, 2007
Graphite et crayon de couleur sur papier
25,4 x 28 cm, 32 x 33,5 cm encadrée
Collection NMNM, n° 2019.15.2
Acquisition réalisée dans le cadre du projet « Les apprentis collectionneurs » avec le soutien de la SOGEDA

Mika Rottenberg
T14, 2007
Graphite et crayon de couleur sur papier
25,4 x 28 cm, 32 x 33,5 cm encadrée
Collection NMNM, n° 2019.15.3
Acquisition réalisée dans le cadre du projet « Les apprentis collectionneurs » avec le soutien de la SOGEDA
Place of selection : artmonte-carlo
Members of the jury : Marie-Claude Beaud, Director of the NMNM, Isabelle Bonnal, director of Éducation Nationale de la Jeunesse et des Sports, Martine Frésia, ambassador of the Cercle des Mécènes and member of the NMNM Acquisition committee, Hélène Guenin, Director of the MAMAC (Nice) and Pierre Nouvion, President of the NMNM Scientific committee and member of the Board and the Acquisition committee.
Grant: 10 000 €
With the support of SOGEDA, Monaco

Andreas Angelidakis
Study for Crashpad, 2014
Impression 3D couleur
16 x 27 x 1,5 cm
Collection NMNM, n° 2018.33.1
Acquisition réalisée dans le cadre du projet “Les apprentis collectionneurs” avec le soutien de la SOGEDA

Carsten Höller
So alone, 2012
Impression numérique sur papier
35x 40cm
Collection NMNM, n° 2018.36.1
Acquisition réalisée dans le cadre du projet “Les apprentis collectionneurs” avec le soutien de la SOGEDA

Xavier Theunis
Sans titre (Paysage #102), 2018
Adhésif verni sur aluminium thermolaqué,
cadre aluminium
50 x 60 cm
Collection NMNM, n° 2018.38.1
Acquisition réalisée dans le cadre du projet “Les apprentis collectionneurs” avec le soutien de la SOGEDA
Selection venue: artmonte-carlo
Members of the jury : Marie-Claude Beaud, Director of the NMNM, Isabelle Bonnal, Director of the Education Nationale de la Jeunesse et des Sports, Jean-Charles Curau, Director of Cultural Affairs, Pierre Nouvion, President of the NMNM Scientific committee and member of the Board and the Acquisition committee and Noor Bin Ladin, entrepreneure.
Grant : 5000 €

Pierre Joseph
Pierre Joseph ? Pivoine, 2017
Tirage jet d’encre sur papier Epson mat 300 g.
130 x 90 cm
Collection NMNM, n° 2017.20.1
Acquisition réalisée dans le cadre du projet “Les apprentis collectionneurs”