Éléonore False (2023 - 2024)
Éléonore False works with two 6th grade classes from the Principality’s two secondary schools. She invites the pupils to collect images from the various printed media around them and to classify them in her own way, with a view to composing their own collages.

Léna Durr (2022-2023)
Collection de collections
Léna Durr intervened between September 2022 and May 2023 in two classes of 6th grade. The students were invited to reflect on what collecting means and how it can be articulated in an artistic practice. The artist asked students to photograph what they collected.

Guillaume Aubry (2021/2022)
Courser le soleil
Guillaume Aubry has been working since Septepmber 2021 in two classes of from Collège Charles III and Institution privée François d’Assise-Nicolas Barré. He addresses his artistic pratice associated with his process of collecting sunsets. The students will be invited to reflect on what collecting means. After a documentation phase, their own collective collection of sunsets will be the subject of an illustrated article on wikipedia.

Oriane Lassus (2021)
Le Bestaire Dessiné
In the frame of the exhibition Marginalia. Inside the Comics Art Collections the NMNM invited comic book artist and script writer Oriane Lassus to work with six classes of 4th grade in the five schools of the Principality. From scenario to writing by way of drawing, 134 students were initiated to the 9th art.

Oriol vilanova (2019/2020)
Une collection peut en cacher une autre
In 2019, the Nouveau Musée National de Monaco initiated an artist’s residency in the two middle schools of the Principality, Collège Charles III and private Institution François d’Assise- Nicolas Barré. Oriol Vilanova intervened in two 8th grade Fine Art option classes from January to June. The students were invited to reflect upon the signification of collecting and how this notion could be applied to an artist’s practice. Each encounter was an opportunity to sensitize the students to the notions of inventory, conservation and the art market linked to the practice of an amateur collector or professional.