Pasolini in Chiaroscuro

NMNM / Flammarion
French and English
224 pages
Softcover, 22 x 30 cm
Foreword(s) : HRH The Princess of Hanover, Björn Dahlström
Text(s) : Essay by Guillaume de Sardes, text by Bartolomeo Pietromarchi
39 €
Guillaume de Sardes’s well-documented and extensively illustrated essay looks at Pier Paolo Pasolini’s cinematographic work, which is influenced by classical Italian painting, and, symmetrically, at the influence his work has had on contemporary artists.
Bartolomeo Pietromarchi’s text extends this investigation by showing the extent to which the myth surrounding the writer-filmmaker has inspired contemporary artists.
The publication is supported by:
SOGEDA, Monaco ;
FABA – Fundación Almine y Bernard Ruiz-Picasso, Bruxelles;
Adina and Jean-Claude Adler;
Ambassade d’Italie à Monaco
Available at the museum, for orders :