Mirà n°2 The annual review of the NMNM

15 €
This new issue features a special report on dance, an artistic field at the heart of the NMNM’s collections, as well as a wealth of information about the museum’s activities over the past year and in the months to come.
MIRÀ is the annual review of the Nouveau Musée de Monaco.
MIRÀ offers a look at the museum’s activities and the expertise they are founded on: exhibitions, collections, heritage conservation, the transmission of knowledge, etc.
MIRÀ invites creators, scholars, thinkers and anyone stirred by artistic creation to come and exchange, encounter and share their knowledge and points of view.
MIRÀ multiplies perspectives.
MIRÀ connects history with the future.
MIRÀ scans the horizon of possibilities.
MIRÀ is a contemporary review.
Monegasque, active verb, neutral form, 1st conjugation
Admire, contemplate, aim at, tend towards.
From Latin. : mirari, contemplate.
Monegasque, Feminine noun
Target, aim, design, goal.
With the support of
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