Digital creation in the school environment

As part of this dual program of mediation and creation in schools, two series of workshops were offered to CM2 and 5ème classes in the Principality, enabling pupils to encounter works from the Museum’s collections.

As part of the “Tremblings” exhibition, five classes in the Principality were invited to work on the theme of encounters and otherness. The pupils designed their own museum room and the works and characters that populate it in pixel art, using Bitsy, a royalty-free software package.

As part of the Écoles du Sud network’s Workshop Week, Leslie Astier, in charge of the Nouveau Musée Numérique project, took part with author Théo Casciani in the Fictions d’expositions workshop organized by Mathilde Roman (ESAP Monaco) and Cécile Marie-Castanet (ESADMM Marseille) at the Pavillon Bosio.