Miquel Barceló, oceanographer

Miquel Barceló
Oblada, 2015
Technique mixte sur toile
28 x 36 cm
© Miquel Barceló/Adagp, Paris, 2024
Photo : André Morin
Through a selection of around sixty pieces (paintings, ceramics, embroideries, works on paper), this exhibition offers a fresh look at the prolific output of Miquel Barceló, a Spanish artist who made the sea a central theme of his work.
Visitors are invited to embark on an epic voyage from the beginnings of life (fossil compositions, exoplanets, ocean floors or Earth’s crust textures blending into aerial views of the sea’s surface, exploration of abysses, shapes and creatures of ocean trenches), to the presence of humans espied behind his seascapes, bestiaries, and numerous bodegón-style still lives (diving, sailing, cooking, and so on), via powerful compositions of waves and ceramics inspired by Antiquity. A whole swathe of the oeuvre of one of the greatest contemporary painters, and an echo to the history of oceanography, so dear to the Principality of Monaco.
Curated by Björn Dahlström, Guillaume de Sardes, Stéphane Vacquier
Exhibition design : Christophe Martin
With the exclusive support of