Vikram Sarabai A performed conference and projection by Matti Braun

Vikram Sarabhai at Kovalam beach, Kerala (detail)
From the cover of Padmanabh K Joshi’s ‚Vikram Sarabhai: The man and the vision’ (Mapin, 1992)
Matti Braun drew his inspiration from some productions and cultural developments of the India’s Modernist movement of the 20th century. His research focuses mainly on the character of Vikram Sarabhai (1919-1971), père du programme spatial indien. Sarabhai était issu d’une famille progressiste et influente, qui entretenait des relations avec des personnalités comme Le Corbusier, architecte de sa résidence d’Ahmedabad (1951), et John Cage, artiste représentatif de l’avant-garde new-yorkaise.
His work Untitled (2015) recently entered the NMNM collection and is currently presented on the third floor of Villa Paloma.