Tintin au musée A conversation between Jochen Gerner and Christian Rosset

Jochen Gerner
Amérique du nord, 2013
Acrylique sur support imprimé 98 x 118 cm
Courtesy galerie anne barrault
Crédit photo : NMNM/François Fernandez
In the frame of his stay, Jochen Gerner is invited to focus his eyes on the LAB and then to illustrate it.
At the limit of comic books and contemporary art, his practice questions the printed image. He is both author (comic books and graphic experimentations) and press illustrator (Le 1, Le Monde, Libération, The New York Times). He’s a member of OuBaPo – Ouvroir de Bande dessinée Potentielle – an experimental collective whose principle is to produce comics under intentional artistic constraint.
Christian Rosset is a radio creator, music composer and essayist. He is regularly published by L’Association, a comic book publishing house.
Two works by Jochen Gerner – Amérique du Nord, 2013 and URSS, 2013 – are currently shown in Villa Paloma’s Table des Matières until April 17.