Talk and book signing with Oriane Lassus

The Médiathèque de Monaco and the Nouveau Musée National de Monaco invite you to meet Oriane Lassus.
In the frame of the exhibition Marginalia, the NMNM has invited comic book artist and script writer Oriane Lassus to work with six classes of 4th grade in the five schools of the Principality.
From scenario to writing by way of drawing, the students will be initiated to the 9th art.
The result of this work will be take the form of a touring exhibition between the six schools as well as a publication.
Oriane Lassus was born in Besançon in 1987. Graduated from the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles, she’s awarded the Révélation Blog prize under the pseudonym of Aspirine in Angoulême, France, in 2011. She published her first album Ça va derrière ? (Vraoum) in 2012, in which she expresses her resentment towards four-wheeled vehicules and her passion for details that seem insignificant at first glance, followed by Puis Immobilerie Pointure in2013 upon invitation of Super Structure. In 2016 the comic Quoi de plus normal qu’infliger la vie ? is published by Arbitraire. She regularly takes part in the Pierre Feuille Ciseaux artists’ residencies. Since 2014, she’s been collaborating with the children magazine Biscoto, in which she, amongs others, published the story Le Meilleurissime Repaire de la Terre which was selected in the youth selection of the Angoulême Comics Festival in 2018 and was the subject of an exhibition in the Young talents pavilion. Les Gardiennes du grenier published in 2020 is her last children’s album.