ROUND-TABLE : TRANS-MEDITERRANEAN AVANT-GARDES AND CITIZENS OF THE WORLD In collaboration with Les Rencontres Philosophiques de Monaco

Ramsès Younan
Tropique du cancer, c.1945
Huile sur toile
80 x 158 cm
May Moein Zeid & Adel Youssry Khedr / MMZAYK Collection, Le Caire
Courtesy MMZAYK, Emad Abdelhady
5 – 6pm
Visit of the exhibition Monaco – Alexandria, The Great Detour. World-Capitals and Cosmopolitan Surrealism by Morad Montazami, co-curator of the exhibition
Round-table « Avant-gardes transméditerranéennes et citoyens du monde » presented by Morad Montazami with Nabil Boutros, Francesca Rondinelli and Raphael Zagury-Orly
On the occasion of the exhibition Monaco – Alexandria, The Great Detour. World-Capitals and Cosmopolitan Surrealism , the Nouveau Musée National de Monaco and Les Rencontres Philosophiques de Monaco offer a round-table discussion that is both historical and philosophical. The discussion will focus on intellectual and artistic figures linked to Egypt, whether French-speaking, Arabic-speaking, cosmopolitan… Figures often linked to the circles of surrealism, literature and philosophy third world or even anarchist, and finally to the anti-fascist movements of the interwar period (Antoine Malliarakis said Mayo, Georges Henein, Valentine de Saint-Point, André Pieyre de Mandiargues, Bona de Mandiargues, Joyce Mansour, Edmond Jabès …). The speakers of this round-table (historian, artist, curator and philosopher) are all committed to the valorization of communities of spirits of the Mediterranean “continent” sometimes unjustly forgotten or “unpublished”.
Round-table presented by
Morad Montazami is a publisher and curator. He directs Zamân Books & Curating. He is responsible for texts and exhibitions on Arab and African modernities, and recently for the Monaco-Alexandria project in collaboration with the NMNM, which mobilizes a certain number of resources and references that will be discussed during this roundtable.
Nabil Boutros is a painter, set designer, photographer and translator. Following large photographic cycles on the rituals and daily life of the Copts, Alexandria revisited, popular music, hammams … he continues to question our relationship to belief and power but also cultivates a strong relationship with Egyptian surrealists, such as George Henein or Ramses Younan.
Francesca Rondinelli is the scientific advisor of the exhibition Monaco-Alexandria and responsible for the archives of Georges Henein. She holds a doctorate from the University of Grenoble Alpes and is the author of an interdisciplinary thesis on the birth of the avant-garde in Egypt. She is pursuing her research on the allophone press in Egypt and on avant-garde and anti-fascist genealogies. She is a specialist of Joyce Mansour’s work and is working on the edition of the correspondence of the major authors and artists of Egyptian and international surrealism.
Raphael Zagury-Orly, a philosopher and founding member of the Rencontre Philosophiques de Monaco, is Program Director at the Collège International de Philosophie (Paris) and Associate Researcher at the Centre de Recherche sur les Arts et le Langage. He teaches at the Institut Catholique de Paris. His research focuses on German idealism, phenomenology, contemporary French philosophy and contemporary art theory.
Free entry, subject to availabilities
Publication as well as educational and public programme developed with the participation of Community Jameel

An with the support of The Alexis and Anne-Marie Habib Foundation