Screening of “The Gospel According to Saint Matthew” by Pier Paolo Pasolini

An angel announces to Joseph that his wife Mary is expecting the son of God: Jesus. As a young man, his cousin John the Baptist makes him Christ. He withdrew into the desert for forty days and forty nights, then set out to preach the gospel, surrounded by his disciples. Betrayed by one of them, Jesus dies on Golgotha, but is resurrected three days later…
l vangelo secondo Matteo | 1964 | Italy / France | 137 mn Black & White 1.85:1 | Original version subtitled in French
Directed by Pier Paolo PASOLINI after‘‘L’Évangile selon saint Matthieu’’ (Le Nouveau Testament)
Screenplay: Pier Paolo PASOLINI
Starring: Enrique IRAZOQUI, Margherita CARUSO, Susana PASOLINI, Marcello MORANTE, Mario SOCRATE
Music: Luis Enriquez BACALOV
Director of photography: Tonino DELLI COLLI
Producer: Alfredo BINI
Productions: Arco Film S.r.L., Compagnie Cinématographie de France
Distribution: Carlotta Films
A poetic and political work, with a free and inventive form that combines documentary realism and sublime pictoriality, “The Gospel According to Saint Matthew” was applauded on its release by believers and far-left revolutionaries alike. Pier Paolo Pasolini’s highly personal vision of the life of Christ is captured in images that are both pure and inventive: shot in black and white in natural settings, with a soundtrack of rare eclecticism (mixing works by Bach, Congolese spirituals and Russian revolutionary songs), and dialogue taken exclusively from the New Testament and voiced by non-professional actors, first and foremost the charismatic Enrique Irazoqui. Far from Hollywood biopics, Pasolini refuses to deify his hero; instead, he prefers to film him at human level, making Jesus a more human figure than ever. Confirming his break with neo-realism, Pasolini’s film, both mystical and universalist, is the most complex and beautiful modern work ever made about Christ.
This screening is part of the cycle ‘LA BERLUE GÉNÉRALE’ proposed and presented by Q.Tarantino (Kino Wombat)
Berlugans, Berluganes, Cinéphiles, Cinéphages, Welcome to La Berlue* Générale, a monthly cinephile’s rendezvous to encounter rare, sometimes lost, often forgotten works, in search of singular motifs to go beyond the tangible, touch the unknown, invite our eyes to discover a whole world far from our habits, far from our territories. An expedition to redefine reality.
Sit down, open your eyelids, between your eyes and the canvas, a story is being born.
* A “berlue” is a blur of vision that reveals objects and elements that are not in front of the eyes.
Le Cinéma de Beaulieu
Avenue Albert 1er
06310 Beaulieu-sur-Mer
Tickets available on site
Full price: €8.5
Reduced rate: €7 for under-25s, pensioners, jobseekers and students
Under 14s: €5