“Les Météores”, a performance by Guillaume Aubry

Late opening at Villa Paloma
7 – 9 pm : free access to the exhibition “Christian Bérard, Excentrique Bébé”
9pm : Les Météores, a performance by Guillaume Aubry
Dans cette lecture performée, l’artiste associe des objets lumineux du quotidien à des textes historiques de vulgarisation scientifique. Ces rencontres hasardeuses et poétiques se réfèrent à de nombreux phénomènes esthétiques comme les aurores boréales, les éclairs, les arcs-en-ciel et les couchers de soleil que Guillaume Aubry aborde dans son œuvre.
Guillaume Aubry studied at l’École d’Architecture de Paris-La Villette (DPLG), Tokyo University as well as Beaux-Arts de Paris (post-graduation La Seine). Artist-researcher of the creation doctorate RADIAN , he’s working on a thesis on the world’s most photographed subject : sunsets. Currently in residency at the Nouveau Musée National de Monaco, he just published “Sunset Cocktails” (JBE editions). In the dynamics of his research, he gets his images from the masterpieces of art history, cinema, our collective and popular visual culture as well as photos and videos he made himself to produce his works, performances and shows.
21h30 : Open-air screening of La Belle et la Bête, 1946 by Jean Cocteau
In collaboration with the Institut audiovisuel de Monaco
All through the evening, “Le raisin de vivre”, a nomadic wine cellar, providing both an orginal and rigorous selection of local and foreign wines as well as cheese and charcuterie boards completed with regional products
Free access to the performance and the screening, subject to availability
Reservation is mandatory : public@nmnm.mc