Conservation and diffusion Presentation of Centre de Conservation et de Ressources of the MuCEM

By Marie-Charlotte Calafat, Adjointe du département des collections et des ressources documentaires Centre de Conservation et de Ressources du MuCEM
Hidden part of the “MuCEM iceberg”, the Centre de conservation et de ressources (CCR) is much more than a simple “storage” aiming at storing the MuCEM’s important collections : it is the heart of the project and prefectly reflects its philosophy.
The MuCEM’s center for conservation’s first responsibility is patrimonial. The January 4, 2002 law reaffirms that the museum have the mission to conserve the collections they are responsible of.
The second responsibility is operational. It means to disseminate, make available and return this heritage to the public, through temporary exhibitions, loans or long-term deposits but also to make it more accessible through digitization or consultation. The CCR has several spaces aiming at welcoming the public and specifically designed for this : a consultation room for the documentary resources, a consultation room for objects, and exhibitions space and a storage space accessible upon request.