Clément Cogitore, “Parmi nous”, 2011

Clément Cogitore
Parmi nous, 2011
Fiction, 35mm, HDCAM, couleur, 30min
In the frame of the projection program Realness
Amin, a young illegal immigrant, has just joined a group of other illegals camping in the forest. Every night is an opportunity to try to sneak into the dockyards and stow away under a truck.Over the course of his attempts, Amin discovers that between the forest and the men passing through it, there are other groups, other faces, other spaces.Behind the figure of the illegal immigrant walking, Parmi nous tells of crossing borders: the one between citizens and non-citizens, the one between reality and metaphor and the one between the living and the dead.
EUROPEAN FIRST FILM AWARD – Vevey foundation (CH) 2010
BEST FILM AWARD – Belo Horizonte film festival (BR) 2011
BEST PHOTOGRAPHY AWARD – Lucania international film festival (IT) 2011