Borrowed Words A performance by Oriol Vilanova interpreted by Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo

In Borrowed Words (2016), a collector declares his unconditional love for his collection. The collector openly confides that the collection gives him pleasure. These are sincere words that underscore the blind and sometimes even painful intensity that connects the collector and the collection. The lover talks about his artworks object by object, with plenty of humour and references to famous pop songs, as well as surrealist poetry.
Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo has been collecting contemporary art since 1992; three years lated, she created the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation that is today one of the most presitigous Turinese institutions.
Oriol Vilanova (Manresa, 1980) lives in Brussels. By rummaging through flea markets, his favourite places for research, he builds up a collection of postcards to create a “thinking machine” that provides the conceptual foundations for his plays, installations and performances.
The performance was followed by a discussion in English between Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Oriol Vilanova and Benjamin Laugier (NMNM)