A More Perfect Day or the words that are missing Meet with Sylvie Blocher, in discussion with Mathilde Roman

Vue d’exposition Tremblements. Acquisitions récentes du NMNM
Sylvie Blocher
A more perfect day, 2009
Installation vidéo (couleur son)
8 min
Collection NMNM, n° 2010.11.1
Photo NMNM/Andrea Rossetti, 2021
Sylvie Blocher’s A More Perfect Day is a video installation currently on view at the Villa Paloma as part of the NMNM’s recent acquisitions exhibition Tremblements.
The work is the first in the Speeches series, a video archive of political speeches and utopian manifestos that have failed to deliver on their promises of happiness or freedom, reinterpreted and performed by artists. The Speeches express the tension between the political content of the texts and the sensibility of those who interpret them in a different way.
A More Perfect Country presents an excerpt from Édouard Glissant’s Poetics of Relation;
A More Perfect Revolution is a slam of the International;
A More Perfect World, sung by a soprano, is from the United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Refugees;
A More Perfect Society features words spoken by Angela Davis during the Occupy Wall Street movement in 2011;
A More Perfect Day is David Bichindaritz’s interpretation of Barack Obama’s 2008 speech in Philadelphia, entitled “A More Perfect Union,” written and delivered before his election.
Sylvie Blocher is a French artist based in Saint Denis, France. For years she has been involved in a “poetics of relationship”, which she borrows from the philosopher Édouard Glissant, where she shares her authority as an artist with unknown people. Using filmic protocols, she questions determinisms and dominations, identities, genders, skin colors… and brings to light forgotten memories, buried unsaid things, forced repressions, unknown desires.
Mathilde Roman is an art critic and exhibition curator. She has been teaching at the Pavillon Bosio, the École Supérieure d’Arts Plastiques de Monaco since 2006 and has recently contributed to the review Mirà of the NMNM, devoted to the exhibition Tremblings through a text entitled, ” S’approprier les images du monde, et tenter des renversments “.