Digital creation residencies

Éléonore False collects images that she then classifies and turns into collages and even sculptures.
During her residency at the NMNM, she focused on a group of dolls from the Tissier collection. Éléonore False photographed them and then enlarged the images to compose collages and sculptures. In a sort of duplication of the Tissier couple, the artist suggested that a musical accompaniment be commissioned from her partner, the composer Nicolas Mollard, to create this immersive installation.

During her digital creation residency, artist Léna Durr focused on the collection of African art assembled in the 1950s by Georges Jessula, which was donated to NMNM in 2006 and has been conserved ever since. She wanted to reveal it to the public in the form of a sound and illustrated online narrative.

Conçue par Cassandre Poirier-Simon, L’envers et l’enhors est une traversée numérique de l’exposition Tremblements – Acquisitions récentes du NMNM, qui a eu lieu au Nouveau Musée National de Monaco du 25.11.21 au 15.05.22. Avec son alter-ego Pan, Cassandre réinterprète l’espace du musée de manière ludique pour créer des portes vers des espaces lointains, discuter des œuvres et faire résonner la pensée d’Édouard Glissant.